all postcodes in HP17 / AYLESBURY

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP17 9TH 12 1 51.747075 -0.807624
HP17 9TN 32 0 51.749395 -0.813525
HP17 9TP 40 0 51.749353 -0.815612
HP17 9TR 23 2 51.752254 -0.813479
HP17 9TT 14 0 51.74981 -0.816368
HP17 9TU 7 0 51.749292 -0.817525
HP17 9TW 15 0 51.748809 -0.813366
HP17 9TX 16 7 51.748267 -0.822028
HP17 9UD 30 0 51.746162 -0.834613
HP17 9UG 13 0 51.751675 -0.850203
HP17 9UH 3 0 51.758865 -0.868407
HP17 9UP 1 0 51.752908 -0.848477
HP17 9AL 9 0 51.753435 -0.810188